Vote #YesForTalawanda
The Talawanda School District is asking voters to approve a Levy to fund operating expenses for the school district by taking properties at a rate not exceeding 5.7 mills for every one dollar of valuation. The funds raised from the levy will directly impact the kids in our school district and we are asking you to vote FOR the TSD Levy on Tuesday, Nov 8th.
We have yard signs! Please fill out this form with your name and address and we’ll reach out with distribution information. We welcome donations to help pay for informational materials like yard signs and door hangers. If you are able to donate, please click on the Donate button. Thank you!
The Facts

Built 2 new elementary schools funded without asking the community for a bond levy

Annual District expenses have risen faster than revenue, which erodes our cash reserves

Since the last operating levy, a 1% income tax in 2004
What’s At Risk
Key Dates

Deadline to Register
Tuesday, October 11th, 2022

Early In-Person Voting Begins
Wednesday, October 12th, 2022

Election Day
Tuesday, November 8th, 2022
Important Links
Educational News
Role of School Social Worker | SSWAA
Mental Health in Schools | NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness
What Is School Counseling? 14 Roles & Goals of Counselors (
School Psychologist – Roles and Functions, Employment Settings, Relationship to Special Education, Relationship to Other Pupil Personnel Workers, Training –
Does money matter for schools? A new review of research say yes.
Why am I voting #YesForTalawanda?
1. Because I love our community and Talawanda and will always support our kids, parents, teachers, support-staff, etc.
2. Because education is a proven pathway to a higher standard of living (e.g., read Pinker’s “Enlightenment Now” or “Better Angels of Our Nature.”)
3. Because Talawanda HAS TO rely on our support (that’s how public schools work; it’s an economy-of-scale and a great value).
4. Because it’s about more than “just” education and our schools provide security, stability, mentorship, compassion, and care ESPECIALLY to those kids who don’t have all of those great things at home.
My name is Emily Moore. I live in the City of Oxford with my husband and two boys. I’m in support of the levy because I love our teachers and staff! Knowing I can entrust my children into the care of capable, loving, caring adults means more to me than just academics alone – it’s a peace of mind. I want to keep our excellent staff by providing them with fair compensation to live and thrive in the district where they work, because our community is a family! I love the programming that allows everyone to get what they need to be successful – from intervention support to gifted services, our children will know someone has their backs to reach their full potential. As someone who works in Early Childhood Mental Health, I know the importance of having mental health providers, social workers, and school resource officers within the schools to maintain emotional wellbeing, family stability, and personal safety. Talawanda is as a school district that allows children to grow into young adults ready to contribute to the world around them, not only with academic preparation, but with real life preparation. Let’s keep our schools strong! Join me in voting YES for Talawanda!
I’ve been asked by many “why are you voting for the TSD Levy?” and as a communicator, I’ve been perfecting my answer. 😉 I’m a proud graduate of the THS Class of 1998! After college and many jobs, my family settled in the Fairfax County School District, Virginia, for over 10 years and then COVID-19 disrupted so many plans and lives. We had many long conversations as a family, and we left our “home” to move back to my hometown so the boys could return to F2F school.
One of the top reasons we felt comfortable leaving a school district like FCPS is that we saw TSD doing a great job during a difficult time – a district that is so much stronger and academically diverse then when I was a student. I have enjoyed learning how to love my hometown and the schools as an adult, as I already did as a child.
The TEACHERS are incredible – they treat and teach my boys like their own. The COMMUNITY is amazing! As a member of the Kramer PTG, the help we get from the community is wonderful! The STAFF goes above and beyond – we have a nurse who calls even when she knows a certain 8YO is working on his Academy Award performance or a custodian who is a source of comfort or funny jokes to my 11YO and every student at TMS.
That’s why I support the November 8th School Levy. #yesfortalawanda
Driving around the back hills of Southwest Ohio on the way to another sports practice, and I am super annoyed. Yard sign after political yard sign advertising levys for fire, and EMS, without any hint of animosity toward those workers. Like other publicly supported employees—firefighters, EMTs, etc—I love the community I teach in and want to keep it great! #yesfortalawanda
I am voting YES for Talawanda because I believe that my kiddos and their peers deserve to continue to have social-emotional, safety and extra curricular opportunities as they grow in our district. School safety is a top priority to my husband and me. Supporting this levy is a step that we can take to ensure these programs stay in place. As a multi-generational family of educators, we understand both the taxpayer and district viewpoints around levies. In our community’s case, data shows us that our district is receiving less funding with the continued demands of programming not diminishing. As a family, we have determined that our YES and continued commitment to supporting our schools is important to the educational upbringing of our children and their classmates. We chose Talawanda to be the environment to raise our family. We are equally devoted to supporting the school system that we carefully chose.
About Us
Citizens for Talawanda Schools is a political action committee (PAC) that was founded in 1999. The PAC is registered with the Butler County Board of Elections.